Title: Light the Length of August - Chapter 4: Time to Adapt
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s): Sam, Cas, Dean
Pairing(s): Gen
Word Count: 3597
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it’s not mine. If you don’t recognize it, it still might not be mine. Any recognizable places or people have been fictionalized. I am not blind. I do not
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I could just feel Sam’s embarrassment and struggle, it must be so hard.
Fave parts
“Sam knew he was inching along. His steps felt timid and short compared to his normal, long stride. He tried to force himself to take reasonable steps, but when each one was carrying him further into the unknown he couldn’t help but drag his feet.“
“Sam nodded, still trying to fight down the urge to either scream or start bawling like a little kid. He turned and took a few cautious steps until he found the edge of the bed. He skirted it and sat down properly on the foot. As he sank into the old mattress, he made another horrible discovery. He could feel the rough fabric of the duvet under his legs and butt cheeks. At some point during the incident his towel had come loose and he’d been standing in the middle of the room, entirely on display in front of Cas no less.
He cringed, feeling the heat crawl up his cheeks all the way to the top of his head. He grabbed the edge of the blanket and threw it across his lap glaring down towards the floor. “God.”
Awww poor Sam! Also love how kind and matter of fact Cas is being!
Not going to lie, that was one of my favorite parts of this chapter too. Poor Sam.
Cas is a gift and a treasure. He also has the patience of a saint to put up with the Winchester shenanigans. I think Sam & Cas's friendship doesn't get nearly enough attention.
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