Its funny, I've managed to hone my anger on the things that truly get to me only to see they are things i cant change. at least ill stop taking it out on those who dont deserve it.
its also funny how its usually never funny when someone starts something with "its funny..."
I have gotten to the point at work where i can slack off and get by without getting in trouble (to my knowledge) so its given me a chance to finally get some serious thinking done.
The thought ive been tossing around back and forth, cat with ball of yarn style, is where is the line between hope and fear. and where do mine stand.
id be lying if i said i knew. if anything all its done is blur the line between the two more. but the silver lining is there is im slacking off at work.
That new commercial for that razors for women is not even trying to be subtle.
Click to view
not that i have anything against landscaping and the idea of the women in the commercials pubic hair. but its just lazy. i like to imagine the guy who came up with this speaks like the south park Jeff goldbloom and hes like "pubic hair...pubes grow after puberty, when one ADULT!...only adults can is used in a democracy to elect...a PRESIDENT! the stupidest president elected twice...GEORGE W BUSH....often referred to simply as BUSH ...bush is slang for female pubes...the BUSHES will be in the shape of the woman's PUBES!" even then i think that was more thought than what was actually put into the commercial. also what the hell is with the circle bush? does someone shave pubes into that shape? is it at the top only? like a spanish upside down exclamation point? or is it like a circle around the vagina? and if so can they let it grow and make it look like a globe around the vagina? i would like to see this if possible. are there other shapes? any one have a trapezoid?