Today's tweets

Nov 21, 2009 20:01

11:09 At the show... Been open 1 hour. No sales yet. @kdbug813 is here helping me. Nice to have the support. We don't spend enough time together. #

11:34 Just sold 6 fobs! First sale of the day was a big one. #

14:13 I think I scare people with my rosaries. They come to the table to see the pretty beads but recoil when they realize what they are. LOL! #

14:28 Sold a few things so far. Couple hours left and all day tomorrow. Perfume lady next to me getting more pungent by the hour. *sneeze* #

15:24 The yawning has started. Getting darker outside and less customers. About 90 mins left. It has been a long day. I need a drink. #

15:30 I've had the song Mr Jones from Counting Crows in my head for several days. No idea where that piece of crap came from. #

17:35 Craft show over. Getting a slice of Pagliacci for dinner before catching the bus home. Hoping Day 2 is good. #
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