OMFG I am devastated you have no idea it happened soooooooo fast! like within less than 2 hours!:( He was on sofa lying around and purring as always and i was brushing him. Then he coughed as if he had a hairball and he got down. Then i went to go in shower and im just getting undressed when mam shouts me. She was like "he cant walk his back legs have gone" :(so i start panicking run down stairs and he was lying there outside trying to stand up and then he started to cry :(
So i picked him up and ran him inside. Then he started to pant prob cause he was stressed and could not breath so well:( so we ran the vet and they said bring him right down. In the car he got so scared he just poohed all over poor mother. The vet put him straight on oxygen and put him in another room and she examined him. Said that she thought he had had a blood clot in his lungs that went to his legs and it caused him to loose all sensation. Then she goes "unfortunately" and at that point i died i knew what she was gonna say. :(So yeah he has gone all in under 2 hours. My head is all over the place i cant get around how he was ok one min and gone the next He was in our lives for 2 years and he brought so much happiness! =[