Aug 06, 2007 23:48
Went shopping today, the day of Alyssa's birth. Sorry. I don't know why I went all mob boss on your assess. Anyways! I got The Departed for $7.90. Oh yeah, that's right. Then I bought the new SUPERNATURAL NOVEL! Along with that, I bought Alyssa a couple of harlequins for her birthday. So that rocks since I'm so reading them after her. Another great point in the day of purchases, 3 DVDs for $20. Yup. Price Busters is going out of business -- tear, I know -- so all their movies were either $8 each or 3 for $20. I got Ocean's Twelve, Shanghai Noon, and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
After all the greatness of spending my money (which isn't exactly a good feeling when I see how much is left), we went back to Alyssa's for the birthday partay. Also known as cake. Really freakin good cake. Twas a fun party.
So in summary: