Mar 28, 2005 22:45
Today sucked I hated it! I had to go to the doctors today.What fun that waz.But things are going to start getting eazier there so no real worries there rite now. Went out shopping omg! I hate shopping with my parents! I tried this bathing suit on at target and I thought it looked fucking gay on me. But my mum waz going on about how I should get it NO! Err so we fought about that all day. Then we went to the mall. Fought even more. Then finally at dinner I told her how I felt and she finally kinda got it.So gay I sware. Then I got some stuff came home. Talked to Kim also found out Andrew is coming over tomorrow YES! Then my dad fixed some what my computer :) then I waz looking at my space errr. This is where I get pissed. Ok I think it is so gay to use someone to get to all her friends and talk to them like you do that person and shit errr."Oh I dont talk to your friends" Dont fucking lie to me. errrrrrrrrrrr Im so sick of people using me. Im over all this bull shit. I told my doctor that today. Im so sick of stuff. Ok certin people are fine ya know but errr. I am finally letting this shit hit the fan and letting it out! I want to say fuck off to some people and its not really any of you reading this. I am finally going to start changing. Im for real this time. Im going to get the bad out of my life. Control things I need to like my health. Hang out with people I can trust and stuff like that and also really have fun with and not pretend to ya know? I am going to ignore people I dont like or want around and tell people what is bugging me so they know from now on! Im not going to hide anymore Im sick of it. Its not the way to live life anymore. So get ready I am going to be ME! No one else anymore. I think I am really ready for this change and I cant wait. Im sorry if this hurts some people but I have been hurting for a long time. It is time for me to be happy and for god sakes I am going to be happy for once in my life. Thankz for listening and IM sprry if you are one person that I am over!
I love some of you alot! You mean the world to me!
love ya Tori~