Mar 15, 2005 19:08
FCAT! It is finally here! Today waznt that bad. We had fcat and I think I did good? :/ I hope I did.There were some really weird people in there"John" lol j/k that kid is kool.We also got our new classes yeah mine didnt change!
1st:period hung out in the back with Ricci,Brandie and Brain!That waz fun! hehehe
testing: What to say nothin!
3rd:Haha watched a movie. Rock on nothin else talked to Amanda. Omg I love that chick she is so KOOL!
lunch:We got out early meet up with the peoples. I have no clue what I would do with out those gurls!
2nd:Boring in some ways! Andrew left me! So I had to put up with Justin and Nick! Im not tlaking to Justin anymore! That perv!
4th:Kate is back Im so happy.! We dont have sign seats anymore thats kool so now Jill is beside me Jade where she waz and Kate behide me! hehe
after school:My dad picked me up and we went to go get my mum for her class thingy?? Then went to the farm feed the animals I now have to feed... yeah Then hung out with the gang and stuff I feel like Im fitting in more I dont know?Then came home then it waz time to go get mum lol. Got her then some dinner. hmm that waz good!
Well now Im on here working on some stuff thankz to someone for the help!"Ron" Im also talking to Kim she is such a HOE lol j/k! well Im going to do what I need to do then I think my mum needs the phone so be back later! Oh tiffany you are weird!
love ya laters