Havn't updated in a while because I've been at Frost Valley! Oh god, it was soo much fun, I loved it. My group was the best <3 Me, Alyssa, Alex, Alaina, Rachel, Sam, and Kim!
Wed.- We went to FV (um duh) and Derek, Sisi, and David carried my bags :) haha.. then my activity for that day was canooing (sp).. it was mf FREEZING!! My hands got like frozen.. ahh! Then that night we had color wars.. yeah green! haha we looked so ghetto and hot in our fake uniforms! Haha great times girlss<3 So yellow won the tug of war, grey won for best team cheer, and my team and some other team won for best team spirit! What do you expect.. my group is like.. ALL the dancers. haha.
Thurs. - AH best day! We went on the leap of faith thing.. awesome.. jumping off a forty foot platform to hit a ball and hang in the air on a harness... good kind of fun. haha, then we did low ropes and I got a splinter :( it was deep. Whatevs, it was all good. After that we did stuff.. then we went to the rock wall.. YES I climbed the hardest one all the way to the top ;) I'm so proud! haha Then we had a dance/canteen.. I danced my ass off.. i have been dead since then lol! I was one of the winners for the girls dance off! But probably only because I can do the "Beyonce" better than Beyonce ;)... I can. I know. hehe. Then after the dance all the guys came back to our lodge. I hung out with Veteri, Gab L, Jenna, Dana, Domi, Ashely, Joey P, Derek, Charles, Kevin I, and Rachel. We played "Hard core Rock paper scissors" for a while and then Truth or dare. Haha Ms Murphy had to play, and she had to kiss Mr Wynne ;) it was so fun!
Fri.- Last day :( Took a hike to a waterfall! The waterfall was really pretty but holy holy was I tired! I couldn't walk up any of the hills.. I just kept sitting down and being like I give up! (I'm pretty sure my ass and the rest of my body gave out from doing the Beyonce so much the other night!) So then we left.. yeah. So I went to canteen.. it was really fun, I had an awesome time. I think that was the best one I've been to so far. Even though my antenae (sp) broke in half! haha. But it was good to see everyone again.
Today - Went to Maci's batmitzvah, I had a really good time. It was a really fun party! Me and Colette came in third for Coke and Pepsi.. hell yeah. haha
Here's pictures from before FV and at FV:
Before Frost Valley
- Sam-a-lam and Vanessa <3 My only loves in social studies! haha
- Sam-a-lam and little miss gab veteri <3
- Molly Mac and Kim-a-lim!
- haha! Derek wanted to take a picture when Mr. Wynne walked in.. (I circled him for all of you non-team-H people knew who he was )
-My girliess <3 Excpet for Jabori who just kind of popped in there... haha Veteri, Ashely, Gab, Jabori, Bridget, Maci, Alex, and Jenna!
- Rob the pimp and his hoess! haha Kim, Rob and Kara
- Veter love and me! AH I look horrible! What an ugly duck.
- Once again I'm an ugly fruit but now with Lover Colette<3
- Lover Lyssa and Kim-a-lim!
- hah... even though Maci's the only normal looking one.. haha, Jenna, Alex, and Maci
- Lyssssssssssssssa<33
- "Back off, bitches." Haha, Joey and my husband Sisi
- Kara and Alyssa!
- HAHA Veteri and Joey looking high.. mwahaha
- Derek! And look: he's smiling.YAY!
- It isn't really the best picture of him, but AWWWWWWWW! Jonathan is the most adorable boy I've ever met! Haha good times
- My favorate picture. haha, Allen said he had to pose in his "trademark" move. haha<3
- Alex and Colettie <3 haha
Frost Valleyy
- Me and Alaina on the bus <3 (my trademark move)
- Green team table! YEAHH! haha.. Alaina's head isn't really seen, but she's there.. Then Alex is partley shown.. lol.. Then Rachel, Me, Sam, Alyssa and Kim!
- Alyssa and Kim sad.. because they can't use their cells. haha
- okay, my other favorite picture at frost valley.. haha Derek carrying my bags ;) <3
- Alaina in her sexy yellow rain coat that looks better on me ;) haha lol
- Alaina's team spirit nails! haha funny stuff love <3
- Green team rocks assss man! Haha! Sam, Alex, Alaina, Alyssa, Me, Rachel, Kim, and Kristen! (Ms Murphy.. she let us call her Kristen.. haha)
- Me and My husband, but he said black people can't smile in pictures so.. he's not smiling. ?
- Jenna, Gab, Ashely and Vanessa <3 Even though she looks like she's high.. mwaha
- Sam-a-lam <3
- me jumping of the 40 ft platform to hit the ball.. WHICH I did ;)
- Me hanging in the air after my landing.. haha I'm such a loser
- Alex and I canooing (sp)
- Mrs. Hildinger on the ground after jumping off leap of faith!
- Ms. Murphinator jumping off leap of faith.. who's scared of heights! Yay Kristen! haha good times
- me on the top of the rock wall! yay! haha I finished :)
- me crossing a REALLY small tiny wire that's supposed to be a bridge.. ah I so felt like I was going to fall in!
The whole entire green group at the waterfall
-The pretty waterfall!
-Kind of a random picture, but the rocks were kind of shaped like a heart, so I thought I would try to get a picture bud it didn't quite work..
I guess that's it... byee