i'm not cutting this i hope it's not long

Jul 18, 2011 13:06

right okay hello

I'm all recovered from surgery! like
the holes or whatever haven't all closed up yet, because in order to fix this recurring problem for once and for all

they had to go deeper

ok you don't care

I noticed I had some small userpic extensions that my friend gave me that lasted a year, not six months like my paid account did, so I managed to throw some icons I'd been wanting to use for a while in there. more obnoxious homestuck icons mhm

Summer is still fairly uneventful; I've been able to drive myself around, but my summer job staining the boards for my family's deck is considerably less time-consuming than the jobs of my friends. So they're usually working when I have free time. Moreover, it's no fun to get into a car that's been sitting in the sun when it's about 28-36°C (82-97°F) outside BEFORE you factor in humidity (that pushes it around 40°C or over 100°F. It's nice if you're not DOING anything outside...) Most of my summer's been spent sitting around, evading the books I have to read for school.

I went to go see the midnight showing of Harry Potter with some of my friends, though! We decided to wait in line at 7:30pm which was kind of a stupid idea, but we got to sit on the sidewalk outside the theatre and play cards and talk and laugh and eat candy for 4 hours and it was really enjoyable. I didn't know what my feelings were doing though oh my god I haven't even been into Harry Potter that much since I was a little kid

I redid this intro post shit, I actually think it's kind of cute so check it out whether you want or n

don't you





yeah anyway how are you lj, i hope your summers are still going along nicely, whatever you're doing with them
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