Name: Loki Laufeyson
Occupation: Norse God of Mischief, adoptive younger brother of Thor, general nuisance
Age: Probably around 12-14 in this incarnation. Looking at the big picture though, he's pretty goddamned old, being basically immortal.
Height: Maybe around 5'?
Weight: Slender, but heavier than he looks.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Medical Info: Rather than try to restate it all for no real reason, I'm going to link
Thor's post, in which he explains Asgardians about 900 times more eloquently than I could. Loki was actually born a Frost Giant, but he obviously doesn't look like one and it's not likely anyone would be able to tell.
Physical Traits: This version of Loki is bite-sized. Aside from his "costume," he looks like a normal kid, and considering how many superheroes there are in camp, he wouldn't really stand out anyway. Some of his icons have a black bird in them, but you should definitely ignore that because the bird (who is actually the spirit of his last incarnation, the more recognizable Magnificent Horned Jackass version of Loki) did not follow him to camp.
What's OK to mention around him: Most things. He knows that his former self did some really terrible things, but the only thing he knows specifically is what his role was in the Siege. Beyond that, he has a really guilty conscience, but he doesn't know the extent of what caused it. Since this Loki actually cares about people other than himself, learning more about what he did in the past could have a big impact on him (though it probably would not surprise him too much at this point), so if your character happens to know something along those lines, please run it by me before blurting it out. :|b
Notes for psychics: You'll probably find that Loki is hard to read. One thing you might pick up on is his aforementioned guilty conscience, which will be considerably strong.
Abilities: Loki's former incarnation was an extremely powerful sorcerer. The list of ridiculous things he was able to do is long, but this version of Loki only has a small fraction of that power. His considerable wit was pretty much the only thing he retained. Current canon has not shown him doing anything really spectacular, but he's very clever and he uses that talent to his advantage.
As a side note, I am obviously no genius so please bear with me while I pretend to be one on the internets.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Whatever, just remember that he's like, 13. And he would probably be very weirded out.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask!
Maim/Murder/Death: Ask, but probably no.
Cooking: In canon he cooks a demon and feeds it to Volstagg. I don't know if you want to eat anything he cooks.