006 - Chi Grows

Sep 11, 2010 17:09

[Chi finds that she is thoughtful today. She feels like there's something she forgot about, something important. She can't quite remember if it's a place or someone she forgot about. Just that it was something she liked and had been looking for at one time.]

...Chi can't 'member.

[...But whatever it is, it must not have been as important as she had thought if she had forgotten about it. After all, she had her friends here and she loved her home here, so what was there to be worried about? So Chi puts it out of her mind as she is sitting crouched at the base of a trash can up against someone's trailer. Today is the day. She will be able to jump up on top of the trashcan and reach the top of the trailer!]


[Chi leaps up at the trash can, and this time it is different, she's able to climb up on top of the trash can rather than smacking into the rim of it. And then from there, she somehow manages to reach from the trash can to a window and climb up something to get to the top of the trailer. (Don't look at me, cats are weird about being able to get to high places) Chi looks down from the top of the trailer, amazed at the view she's getting from here as she grins]

Chi did it!

[Yes, congratulations, Chi, you have grown a little during your one year (to this day even) here at Brofist...]

...Now how does Chi get down?

[Too bad you haven't thought that far ahead. So yes, everyone, there is a tiny cat on top of your trailer, meowing at you now and wanting you to help it get back down.]

chi (kitten)

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