[OPEN] 017 - Why she should never have been put on TV in the first place.

Aug 19, 2010 11:23

[Adiane is seated on a large, comfortable looking couch. As per usual she has a glass of wine in her hand, one leg crossed over the other, and she's looking rather content. Ester is curled up asleep on the back of the couch next to her head. From the look of it, it's entirely possible she's filming this in some back room of the Lounge.]

Hello, viewers.

Today we're here to discuss, and maybe debate if I'm feeling generous, the human sentiment of "equality", and how it's a complete load of crap, does not actually exist in nature, and how dominance and submission of species is necessary to the natural order of things.

Humans are no more able to perpetuate "equality" than any other creature, and any expression of desire to is just a masked ploy for dominance.

Disagree? Drop by and everyone can watch me put you in your place.

[The truly weird part is how civil about all of this she seems to be.]

adiane the elegant, !spotlight

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