001 - [Open] - The quintessential "Hello?"

Aug 11, 2010 22:17

[ Staggering out into the sunlight is disorienting, especially for a nocturnal creature like Felicia. As her pupils contract rapidly into a pair of minute slits, she raises one oversized paw to shield them from the sun and take a look around. Nothing here seems overtly threatening, but of course one can never be too careful. Tail twitching idly, she turns in a full circle as she takes in her surroundings]

Well... I've never heard of REALITY TV before, but if it's television then it can't be ALL bad, right? I mean... Entertainment is entertainment, after all...

[She sighs, trying to remain upbeat despite obviously feeling confused and rather overwhelmed. She pauses, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself under the guise of tugging her coat closed a bit more tightly around her midsection, then sets off in the approximate direction of where her lodgings ought to be.]
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