[OPEN] 016 - tomorrow i will change and today won't mean a thing

Aug 02, 2010 21:10

[After another "vacation" in the channels, Adiane is in the market doing a little shopping, looking very pleased with herself. She's not the most expert mechanic in the world but she did full maintenance on Sayrune entirely by herself and she was rather proud of herself for it.

Of course this meant her trailer was currently barren, so she needed to get some groceries and a few other things. Of course, half of it would end up getting dragged out to the beach since Adiane couldn't ever seem to stay away for long. It, and Ester, was the only thing that made this place bearable. So it was no surprise she avoided the unpleasant trailer lot in favor of staying in what was, essentially, her natural habitat.

She stepped out of the hardware store with a bag of useful tools in one arm, a bag of groceries in the other. It was still felt a little odd for her to do something as domestic as grocery shopping and buying tools. But it had become habit by now. No one was going to do it for her. She didn't have a battleship with a galley, or a large 'castle' to go around and get food from.

And, oddly enough, she'd started to enjoy this kind of life.

It's not like she could go back to her old one when this was over. The moment she left here and went home, she was as good as dead. So -- new friends, enemies, habits, and all -- Adiane had finally decided to embrace it.]

adiane the elegant

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