Aug 17, 2004 19:07
i miss matt so much i always told i was there for him & he just seemed like everything he was doing wasnt working taking depression pills , counseling etc. me, josh, and alex knew it was coming we werent sure when. on december 12 me, steph, and cara went to drop off flowers & a card for him we saw josh and alex outside they came to give us a hug josh started crying & he told us what he did & what he saw. not once did it cross my mind how he did it i didnt care all i wanted was for him to come back. josh, alex, steph, cara, and i went into the house we had to go through the basement and had to walk past the bathroom where he did it i didnt wana do it we looked at his room and at his fav stuffed animal it hurt so much b/c sum 1 who understood my pain was gone. i remember when i first met him he called me all the time he told me sumthing no one else knows about he trusted me like i did in him. so right here this tells you sumthing you dont always knows how sum 1 feels til you actually get to know them b/c even tho he seemed happy he wasnt on the 10th the day before he did it at school & football practice he seemed fine no 1 knew what was coming.