How To Get Away With Attempted Murder, By Using Fox News!

May 05, 2014 01:20

This past month has been rather amazing. Ask yourself if you (or anybody you know) could get away with these shenanigans:
  • A man who's illegally poaching on federal land loses a court case because he's breaking the law.

  • He calls Fox news, which twists the news to make him look like a folk hero.

  • Hundreds of Fox news viewers with automatic weapons drawn, descend upon the small town to confront law enforcement officers.

Now ask yourself: Have "Occupy" protestors ever gotten this far? How long would you survive before you were arrested?
  • So, turns out that your posse clearly outnumbers the two dozen federal agents and local law enforcement, therefore you threaten them with death, and aim your guns at them.

  • You pour lighter fluid around a CBS news truck and spray more on the body, threatening to kill the "liberal" reporters that might put you in a bad light.

  • You call in death threats to local hotels and warm them that if they house the law enforcement officers, you'll blow up the hotels.

  • You start a blockade at the entrance of the public road you live on, and stop every car, including all your neighbors, to make sure that they should actually be there.

Ask yourself again: How long after you called in death threats to a hotel, would there be cops banging at your door?
  • As the days drag on, you attend an emergency meeting that the town has created to talk about you. You bring your guns, tell everybody that you're just a great guy, and you re-iterate that any cop that tries to stop you will be dead.

  • Businesses complain that the negative publicity has cost them $100,000 or more, because everybody's avoiding the area. You respond with: "They should watch Fox, instead of that liberal trash."

OK, so while these guys run afoul of the law and basically get away with Attempted Murder, what has the Federal Government done? You'll just love this list!
  • The FCC, which regulates broadcasters, hasn't touched Fox for Accessory To Murder, but they have protected you this month by busting OVER A DOZEN radio pirates that play alternative music, on tiny stations that only go a few miles. Each got a $10-15,000 fine because they didn't have an official piece of FCC paper. None of them advocated violence.

  • No politician (Republican or Democrat) will speak up for fear of angering Fox or the Koch Bros or some other corporation.

In short, the corporations have taken over. Heaven help us.

fox news murder cliven bundy

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