here are some pictures!!! wheee.
hee hee look at that cutie stuck in my curtains.
at the car show. theres my dad in his dream mercedes.
lamborghini sexy
hey its me
ahh yesss, the new passat! i am in love with it
the insides
those are big rimes on the ferrari
candy lamborghini. i want to bite it.
those rims had to be like 25's or something.
lauren and i at trish's cotillion
cameras like it when you yell "YAR!!" at them
dave the GAYve.
oh no i'm gay too
lauren and anne being cool
i knew it! anne is the terminator!!!
that meanie cut me out!!! but i still love you :)
it starts at 6:oopm and ends at 9:oopm.
gotta get to sleep soon.
gotta wake up early tomorrow.
gotta drop the equipment off at noahs in the morning.
gotta pick up morgan at ucla after school.
i want to see ucla hahaha.
too bad it'll be a glimpse.
ahhh sometime soon though.
lauren i love you and i wish i was that book right now.
amdfp9od jfklnadfb!
tomorrow will be a great day :)