(no subject)

Jul 15, 2008 06:17

boiled the moose down, razored the skin off the skull and spine, which now adorn our Bro Cave.
I harvest 3 times a week now, trying to get faster and faster every day- one day I will be as speedy as the Mexican Chard-Ninjas, a lightning blitz of vegetable-picking fury!
other than all that, working the farmer's market, missing Gina desperately, harvesting and trying to study despite our attempt to educate Allen in the deep philosophical implications of the Saw movies.
I reapplied to school- trying to get into Warren Wilson so I can farm there and do the college thing through the end this time.
I'm back to not sleeping- too much rattling around upstairs, missing that girl in North Carolina, trying to figure out my life after I leave here, and put things in the places that they need to go.
The bank is trying to take all of my money, but the fire department is bailing me out- apparently I got paid months ago for learning to use the extrication devices... good stuff.
Welding was awesome, River says he'll let me start doing that around the farm soon, putting the fence gates back up, etc.
I'm sad that it's starting to darken up at night now. It doesn't help that it's cloudy everyday (there hasn't been sun here since two weeks ago), but I was really getting used to crazy light 24/7.
does anyone out there have a remedy for long distance relationships? it's been months and i'm going insane. i don't like complaining, but man... who knew that shit could hurt like this? to put a not-too-poetic point on it, DAMN, I love that girl.
It's late and I need to try the bed thing again... hope everyone in the lower 48 is doing well, in all your endeavors and travails.
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