surveys from kimber :]

Dec 27, 2005 19:42


>>>>It's the End of the Year As We Know It

In the beginning of 2005...

Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
um no, i think that's when me and matthew started hanging out. :)

How old were you?:
15 as of 3 days into the year

What was your outlook on the world?:
foley was great, everything was going good.

How were you doing at school/your job?:
school was cool. i had my 2 best friends: alex and kt

What did you most look forward to?:
being a sophmore :)

Did you make New Year's Resolutions?:
i'm sure i did but i dont remember what they were

What was your biggest worry?:

Who was your best friend?:
alex and kt

What did you do with your spare time?:
soccer.. and i was a big supporter of the foley bball teams :)

What did you do for fun?:
hung out with my dad... heck yesss!

>>>>In the middle of 2005-- the summer!

Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
just broke up with mike

Had your outlook on the world changed?:
no i was still happy with everything.

What did you spend your summer doing?:
camping. and traverse city was awesome. hanging out with bLAKE

Did you get tan?:
heck yesss! i was hott

Who'd you hang out with, mainly?:
alex, and blake cause they're my neighbor hoodies

Did you go visit anywhere?:
traverse city, and PEN, all ovA michigan

What was your biggest worry?:
sophmore grades.

What was the most fun event that happened?:
camping with jake. by far the best

>>>>And as the year drawns to an end...

And how's your relationship status now?:
haha can't choose and it pisses u all off :p

How old are you?:
still 15

What major changes have happened since the year began?:
nothing really. nothing exciting happened to me.

Is your life any different from when it started this year?:

What thing that happened stands out in your mind?:
camping with jake was just soooo much fun.

How have you changed?:
i haven't

What was the most embarrassing moment?:
omg, when i was going to 7-11 with tiff, alex and licia and i had a mini skirt on and i feel over the front of my bike [cause i was screwing around] and my skirt flipped up and all the guys were laughing at me. i like messed up my hand too.

When was your lowest point?:
resently when grades were overwhelming.

Are you happy with how the year went?:
Yeah. it was ok i guess...

What thing would you change if you could?:
I would work harder to get good grades and i should have looked for good friends, like i have now, linz and tess, and kim and all you guys r so great!

>>>>For 2006...

What do you plan to not do that you did this year?:
no more detentions.

Do you think it'll be better than this year?:
it better be!

Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year?:
no, i have high hopes

What do you plan to do next year?:
-go to INTERLOCKEN over summer for 2 months.
-go out with paul. heck yesss!
-have awesome parties with my awesome NEW friends.
-skiing at boyne for my bday
-other fun stuff :) ha

What are your pre-New Year's resolutions?:
no detentions.
keep in shape.
create a profile for INTERLOCKEN.
be nicer to others :)

Who are you spending New Year's Eve with?:
kevin! the coolest person in the world!

>>>And to wrap it up..

What one thing would you like to say as the year is almost done?:
i love all my friends and everyone who can put a smile on my face. u really r the good friends i needed, always their for me when i needed a shoulder. u guys r great and i'm glad i get to spend another year with you all! i sure am glad i get to act like a retard with u! :)
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