Oct 26, 2004 20:56
haha today was great. i ate candy in the morning...again...so i was hyper all day. whoop! it rained a lot, and it thundered(is that a word?) during lunch! how sad is that, our school gets all excited about rain and thunder. o well, it was fun. i love the rain a lot. i almost had to walk home fromt he bus stop, but alaina saved me and i got a ride with her. i was happy for that cuz it was raining a lot. haha in fifth period i was really hyper and it was weird. omg!!! today after sixth period i came this close to asking wobeertoquwe to sadies. it was crazy. i had too many butterflies, and there were people around. i got scared o well, i dont have to go. ugh alberto and thomas keep telling me that i broke eve's heart, which is really weird cuz i didnt do anything, we werent like going out or anything, so i just dont get it. hmm...something really weird happened on the bus today. i dont kno exactly wat it was but it was weird. i felt weird. lol it was really weird. but ya. ok well im bored.