& in the Senate they will

Nov 19, 2007 08:25

OK, on the Ballot, for Queensland,

thus far I know...

No Free Marihuana Party, bleah.

* Labour *

4 Candidates, no surprises.

*Coalition *

That's right, the Libs and Nats are running a joint block of 6 candidates:
Sitting Lib Ian Macdonald
Sitting Lib Sue Boyce
Sitting Nat Ron Boswell
Lib Mark Powell
Nat David Goodwin
Nat Scott Buchholz

Doesn't look very co-anything to me. Looks like the Libs have the knives out for the Nats. They can get low counts on my ballot, just above the rightwing loonies of the Hanson parties, the DLP CDP CCC etc


1. Larissa Waters (Sitting Senator)
2. Anja Light
3. Darryl Rosin

1. Andrew Bartlett (Sitting Senator)
2. Sharon Neill

The democrats are somewhat moribund, but I'll be giving a high preference to Bartlett (despite his less goth, freak, weirdo image these days)

Family First
1. Jeff Buchanan
2. Beryl Spencer
3. Merlin Manners
4. Cathy Eaton

5. Shaun Hart
Ex-Footballer, radio personality, born-again Christian

6. Elizabeth Benson-Stott

Face it, the usual "But, we aren't the Assemblies of God, honest..." crowd.

A right bunch of Rightwing whackjobs...
* Pauline's United Australia Party *
* One Nation *
* Citizens_Electoral_Council *

A little "liberal"-ism (Democrats Lite?)
* Liberty & Democracy Party *
Only real worry is "Support of property owners' rights with regards to all matters including smoking" whatever that means.

* Climate_Change_Coalition *

I have never liked single issue parties, this is no exception. They say politics makes strange bedfellows, environmental politics makes for positively kinky bedfellows.

* Carers Alliance *
Very worthy, but I'm not sure if a Senate seat helps them or us.

* Fishing Party *
The party’s major platform is the challenging of laws which it considers to be damaging to commercial fishing . What was I saying about single issue parties.

*Shooters Party*
Didn't we just, no, that was a different single issue party.

* Democratic Labor Party * (Not the original DLP, but the same smell)
Its main platform is opposition to abortion, euthanasia, therapeutic cloning and same-sex marriage, and also opposition to economic rationalism. The party no longer has the patronage of the Catholic Church but still has some support among conservative Catholics.

* Christian Democratic Party * aka The Fred Niles Group
Rightwing loonies, hate gays, and pretty much anything else you have going.

* Socialist *

* Non-Custodial Parents Party *
Despite them attempting to represent me on the most important issue in my life, remember what I said about the Single Issue party.

* Sentor On-Line *
Seems grand until you think about how hard it is to get a 70% majority on anything, so voting is under the control of the Executive Committee, whoever they are

* Unregistered Group * Group K

1. Richard Hackett-Jones
2. John Rivett
(Last time was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Australians_Party)

Flat tax, what more can I say. No comment on almost any other matter.
Advertising heavily on TV

* Unregistered Group *
1. David Couper
2. Michael Brown

* Secular Party *

1. Katrina Alberts
2. Martin Rady

I've interacted with Martin online, a radical atheist but moderatly broadminded..
"Don't Let the Church Govern Australia - Keep Religion Out of Politics,"
Pro gay-marriage etc. Beats Family Farce.

* Unregistered Group *
1. James Baker
2. Louise Fitzgerald-Baker

* Independent Candidates *
John Duggan
Pilly Low
James Reid
Marsileo Traversari
Leo DeMarchi
Robin Petersen

australia votes, 2007

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