a place

Feb 20, 2006 13:01

Ever stop and simply ask yourself if there is a place for you in the world? I have recently asked myself that question, and honestly I dont see myself being happy doing anything that this world has shown, and or, offered me. so far the only aspect i have found enjoyable is the realm of fiction, and make-beleive. The real world sucks, and so does many of the oportunities for a 'life' that go with it. I dont want to be an artist, I dont want to be lacky for some faceless corporation, and more honestly i dont have the guts to push this shambling wreck of a world into something new. let me put it this way the world can walk on without me cause i stoped caring. Take that for what you will. other then my objection to the very nature of the world, I am doing, meh, i have a head ache, and still no job that will take me Whoot! GO LIFE! Ehh, so henniker is going ok, i hang out with friends alot, and dont really do much, maybe thats my problem nothing to preoccupie my brain. On the mention of things that hurt, im so f#cking alone. Its usually not bad but it sucks living in a house with people who are really in love its just a reminder that i have no one. Maybe im just home sick? I have a hard time beleiving id miss people who hardly 'talk' to me but instead leavy complaints my way. Well i dont know what else to bitch about, so maybe ill stop for today. i need to go make some calls and talk to people who dont really care, but are holding some massive amount of money over my head. All my music is depressing, time to change that i think. So time to call the leeches and see how much money they want to bleed out of me this month. However, if anyone reads this, have a good day. and thank you for letting me bitch at you.
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