Aug 18, 2005 22:32
as I see it at the moment my life is sort of loosing momentum. I want to go forwords but their are some small problems. So as a means to open this up to more then myself and the closed minds around my house (who already think im doing great) I want to post my problems here. If you have any suggestions please post a solution.
-Ok first and formost I live with my family, it drives me nuts and i need releive. I am willing to move but (heres a rarety) i sort of dont want to hurt their feelings, that and theyd kill each other if i wasnt here.
-another problem is my work, its ok, i dont like the non-framing crap like restocking but it comes with the territory, i have been recommended for other places in the framing world but i like the people i work with. the pay were I am is also meh'
-Puppy or no puppy, its a ok dog, but i would rather have a fish... (also it would be the first thing fully dependant on me for life.)
-applying for work in the gamer industry. Ok heres something, I dont NEED more education to enter, however it couldnt hurt, anywere but in the wallet that is. I have also concidered looking into other feilds like design, graphic design and engineering and or architecture. Scary me designing high powered invention stuff... one step closer to the mad scientist taking over the world.
-so whats nextoh yeah my pet projects. Ive wanted time to paint, and engeneer. trying to figure out some basic engeneering problems and work on them. see if any of my outlandish ideas function in the real world. Im starting small trying to create an automatic gear shift for a bike. and my creative drawings have been limeted to my usual character sketches.
-Lastly for tonights ramble of wild crap, dont dought it this is crap. I have a group of people that i game with down here in portsmouth! Yes finally, and I have a good werewolf plot, the only probnlem im facing is do I start them off as people aware of werewolfs, or do I simply start them off as 'normal' people. Its using the new white wolf system (which is very nice in alot of other places)
Night Im done, please post replies because i want something to read...