Jul 29, 2005 23:07
Ok so heres a truth that I have enountered lately, People who think they are 'dark' are basically just stuck in a bad place. Every one in the world, as it is, has a sense of duality. A person who doesnt have a darker side is fake just as a person who doesnt have a light side is fake. If someone beleives that they are darker then everyone else it is simply a problem that they beleive because other people dont constantly expell their darkness that they are not scarred. Truth betold every one is capable of the smae evils. Hitlers soldiers were simple men until they were convinced to bend to the will of someone elses visions. The basic idea here is that we all have a yin and a yang, to deny either is stupid and will drive you mad, A perfect world is imposible because we are not perfect beings and frankly wouldnt want to be. Nor are we capable of slipping so far as to loose all redemption. (I love star gate, its so cool) But anyway I simple wanted to rant on this because I found that I have an effinity for things and characters that have been marred but their own shadows, however this is foolish all things are trying to remain in control in a balence. My faviorite character shouldnt be someone who has slipped and fallen, and succum to their darkside, I should like more the characters that are maintaining the balence ones that when they fall they will crash into oblivion, cause its more interesting that way. Lastly I do think of the world in extremes but that is simple, in a complex situation it is a series of small truthes that are clear cut and infalluable. For instanmce, my parents think I should get a dog that my brothers dog is having as I type, the problem is complicated because I live at home their is already three dogs, and then their is a series of other smaller problems. Fdor instance, Do I have the time to have a dog, yes, its a simple truth I do have the time, its clear and clear cut. However I dont want a dog, I dont want to invest my money or effort in training and I may want to move soon so the simple answers are this NO MORE DOGS!!!!