(no subject)

Feb 04, 2007 12:10

Being ill is not fun. I had some sort of stomach bug last week, and Pomfrey patched me up just fine, but I still detest the hospital wing. I don't know why, but somehow it creeps me out. I'm not sure if it's the utter sterility of the place or just the idea of clustering every sick person in the same room that bothers me the most.

Who wants to get me the assignments I missed and fill me in on anything interesting? That doesn't include the Potter/Malfoy debacle, of course. I managed to hear enough about that in the infirmary, and I think it's been blown way out of proportion.

Padma and Lisa, have we gotten any farther on the study get-together? Apparently the last time any organization was attempted, I heard that you two managed to get sidetracked onto something involving hair...
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