Jul 28, 2011 20:42
Faithful readers of this collection of drivel will remember that almost exactly three years ago, I hied myself to Atlanta, six hours away from my nearest and dearest, in order to keep myself gainfully employed. And that we have been living largely separate lives since that time. I spent 27 months in Atlanta before taking a new (and permanent) job at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama last November. And we committed to being here permanently, and we built a lovely new house, which we closed on back in April. And since that time Lark and I have been driving back and forth between the farm in Woodlawn, TN, and the house in Huntsville, hauling the various bits and pieces (plus 27 years worth of accumulated books,) that were packed in boxes we were capable of lifting. And as of this writing, better than three months after we closed on the house, we're still not living under the same roof full-time.
Howsomever, we are now informed that on 10 August, the proverbial large truck with several husky young men will descend upon the house in Tennessee and load up all the remaining stuff, rubble, and impedimenta. And two days later, on 12 August, said truck and husky young men will deliver same to the new house in Alabama. And we will finally, almost three years to the day after I left Tennessee for Atlanta, be back living together full-time.
Address and telephone number for the new manse may be requested via e-mail.