Dec 13, 2004 08:17
i've been kinda busy with work and school lately.. we just had a feild trip last friday to the OBT to take pictures of one of their classes of balarinas... it was pretty cool excepti think i might of messed up my first roll of film... i have to wait to develop them to know for sure..
this weekend alone was soo busy.. i had to wake up at 7:30 and go to work for our 8am mandatory employ meeting.. yaiy.. then sit there for 2 hours and talk about some new stuff which was kinda cool.. but then i went home and got ready and stuff b/c i had to go back to work at 2 until ? .. which is acctually what was on the scedual.. i ended up getting off around 8:30... then hung around the mall and kinda went over to my sisters then went home.. then i woke up and had to take the bus to work and again worked 2 until ? .. but this time i stayed until like 9:30.. which is good i need the hours.. also it suxed tho b/c i have been sick for a lil while.. and i really didn't want to go to work. .but i did and it was good b/c our onl closer called in sick so me and erica stayed and simone came in at like 10 to finish up so we could go home.. but also.. we have these compitions at work right now.. every 3 weeks we see who can get the highest percentage in combo sells.. and we are in the 2nd week of the 2nd contest.. and at the meeting we found out who won the first one.. and 2 people won b/c it was like .01 % off ... i won 1st place with i think 16.56% and erica had 16.55% so we both got a prize.. which could be really anything we wanted if Joe, our gm, could do it.. some of the choices were a paid day off, scedualling your own week, a $25 gift certificate to anywhere in the mall, or anything else that you sugested and he could do.. i made my own sceduale so i have like 30 + hours for next week that i'm scedualed.. so that will be good.. i need to pay off my ticket and i will get some of that done this week with my check on tues but yea i still need more..