Live High, Live Mighty.

May 14, 2008 15:43

Okay. I'm still really sleepy and very sore from the trip. So I may or may not stay awake long. |D But I figure since I'm already sitting here I may as well at least try to give an update of the trip. Just because I can. And I'm sure there are TONS of you out there that really care about everything that I did. :|


This day was HORRIBLE. :| I hadn't slept all night just to make sure that I got up on time and so I was grumpy almost ALL day. My dad and I got into a fight because he threw my computer bag, so I didn't talk to him for a while.  :|  And when I did it was nothing but a grunt or a snort. We finally got to Wichita Falls and spent the night in a hotel there. It was windy and there was a bird egg outside when I woke up. I wanted to take the sign about parking that had fallen down, but my mom wouldn't let me. She said it was too dirty to put in the car. :|


We finished the drive into Arlington and stopped at Walgreens to buy some new flip-flops. Because my mom forgot her shoes and I needed some like nothing else. I have new flip-flops. I'm happy. We got to my brother's house and I nearly had a heart attack because he was actually in a good mood and not a gigantic asshole.

His wife Donna took TWO hours to get ready in the bathroom and then she came out wearing something like a tank top and capris. This led me to continue along my previous line of thinking regarding her. At some point in her life, she used to be a man. I'm sure of it. The way she cakes on her make-up. Her overly sugary way of talking. The fact that she looks like Nathan Lane with boobs. :|   Paul made me to to the grocery store with her at midnight because he didn't want her going alone and I had to try really hard not to ask anything rude. She bought me White Grape Pomegranate juice though, so I guess I can let it slide. This time.

Everyone got tired in the early afternoon before the ceremony so they all took a nap. I watched Cloverfield. That was a HORRIBLE movie. :| It had the potential to be something really cool, but they just fucked it all up somehow.

There was the graduation, which went pretty well. Aside from the lady in front of me that was annoying for whatever reason. So I threw my program at her and pegged her in the head. Then apologized profusely and went on laughing to myself when she just smiled and accepted that it was an accident. I think I didn't like her because she wasn't sitting back in her seat and it made things hard for me to see.



We got up and Donna was making a GINORMOUS breakfast. So while we were waiting, my mom forced me to go on a walk with her and one of the dogs. It wasn't so bad, I guess. We went to the park, which actually ended up being more like a walk in the woods. I got some pictures and I guess I could put them up, but then I would have to put forth more effort.

So then we got back for BRUNCH. That's how long it took her to cook. And I had three drinks. :D An energy drink, a coffee, and tons of that juice that she bought. There were eggs, sausages, nasty turkey bacon that I didn't have anything to do with, potatoes, toast and something else that I can't really remember at the moment. HUGE BREAKFAST WAS HUGE.

Then we went to the second ceremony for his other degree. It was fine, aside from the lady behind me that was a raging IDIOT. I'm sorry, I don't care where you're from but BACHELOR =/= BACKALOR. :| NO. NO NO NO NO. JUST NO. I wanted to turn around and smack her, especially since the little boy next to her corrected her a MILLION times.

Before they called my brother's name my mom leaned over and said "You should yell, 'That's my brother!' when they call him." I just kind of shrugged and said maybe. So she got mad at me and decided that she wasn't going to talk to me for the next hour. I couldn't really bring myself to care though, I had on a cleavage shirt and was far more interested in looking at my own boobs than watching her stew over something so retarded.

After that we went to Red Lobster for dinner and that turned out to be a lot of fun. I had myself a GIGANTIC Lobsterita and an Irish coffee. Because I could. :| Then I dodged the questions about what kind of drunk I was, because how to you explain to your family that you get handsy with people and make crude comments?  Especially when you're so good a feigning innocence around them.

We went back to his house and I was made to go on another walk, which turned out to be a HUGE mistake. The dog that I ended up walking was afraid of me and he started slipping out of his collar, so I went to adjust it and he freaked out. I ended up in the middle of the road and banged up my wrist and my knee, there was even a nice little scrape on my toe. Although I liked the exchange when Donna and my mom turned around.

Mom: Sonia! Did you fall?! D:
Me: That would be why I'm in the middle of the road, mom. I didn't just decide this was a good place to sit. :|

So I toughed out the rest of the walk even though I was in an immense amount of pain, I just didn't want to hear Donna apologize a million more times. I swear when she's not baby talking about something, she's apologizing for something that she didn't have any control over. :| I wanted to smack her. We got back and everyone was ready for bed. :| It was only 11:30 and I didn't understand that. These normal people sleeping patterns, I demand an explanation. So I tried to sleep anyway, I needed it since I fell and everything.


We were supposed to get up at 7:30. I didn't feel like getting up when it went off so instead I set it again for 9:00. Which apparently was another huge mistake. :|

My mom is such a girl in the bathroom, what with her million step facial cleansing or whatever. So there was that and then Donna insisted on cooking for us again. It was another one of those huge breakfasts again, only this time it included biscuits. I also had three drinks again. :| Coffee, green tea, juice. It was amazing.


On the ride home my mom and I watched The Orphanage, which I loved. But then again, I really like Guillermo Del Toro films. :3 After that I finally got the chance to watch But I'm A Cheerleader, which was an awesome movie and I'm upset that I never really saw it before now. But oh well, it was good and I'm glad that I rented it.  I'll have to buy it at some point, I think.

There was more about the trip back, but I don't really feel like typing it all out. A lot of bitching and introspection that doesn't really seem all that important to me right now. Maybe later~.

THEN I GOT HOME. And there was much talk about faggotry between Kate, Katie and I. :|  I think you had to be there to really appreciate it. I still laugh every time I look over at my calendar and see 'Fag Forest' in big letters.

faggotry, texas, long post is long, trip

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