(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 03:15

well it seems that bush has won this election unless by some miracle i wake up later on this morning to have my prayers answered otherwise by an assasination attempt that succeeded or kerry pulling a grand victory. if bush has won the least i can say is for those of us who voted sensable to remain such and hope that by november 2nd, 2008 america will be something we can be proud of again. but for right now, i'm not proud of my country. i know some of you who will read this will not agree with me at all. all i can say to you is you have your view i have mine. i'm not putting down your view but i sure as hell am putting down george w. bush. a man with a lot of twitches who's very prone to bodily harm done at his own hands and not much brain power to run a country. i think one of the reasons bush is so ahead is because of uneducated voters, like my younger sister. i asked her about two hours ago purely out of curiousity (wouldn't you?) why she voted for bush. her responce was simply "because he's a better president" i asked how he was a better president and she didn't respond because she didn't know why he was. i also asked why she didn't choose kerry and she said "because he's a flip flopper" i asked her how and she didn't know why. i then asked her who the vice president was, she didn't know. i asked her what kerry's first name was, she didn't know. then my mom who has never voted in her life, never registered to vote, but was in the national gaurd (weird?) came to bush's defense and said kerry was nothing but a baby killer. he was in the vietnam war, true. did he kill any babies? no. veterans of that war were not all going around shooting up small families for kicks. when my mom tried making her final point she said something that made her realize she had no idea what she was talking about after i told her the truth. she said that bush was the candidate for the democratic party. "bush is a democrat right?" "no mom, he's a republican." i love my mom and i tolerate my sister but i wish they wouldn't waste potential for a meaningful vote by their own ignorance to politics. they are not idiots, my mom is a very smart woman and very strong, just not a political lady....at all. if my sister even knew about her candidate and the opposing candidate and still voted bush i would respect her decision. but i can't respect her voting just because she's of age to do so. that's taking advantage of something that should be done with a smart and decisive action. not because p. diddy thinks its necessary to get kids out to the polls.
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