Ficlet: "A Taste Of Things To Come" 1/1 (Jared Padalecki/Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jensen Ackles) NC-17

Jan 12, 2008 12:56

Title: "A Taste Of Things To Come" 1/1
Author: Brenda (azewewish)
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Summary: Jeff and Jensen torture Jared. In a very good way, of course.
Notes: Very belated birthday fic for my girl without_me. Sorry I couldn't fit the 69 in there, but I totally owe you. *MWAH*

Jeff slides bruised lips off of Jared's cock, gliding up slow and smooth, tongue leaving a wet trail along the head. He sits up on his haunches, long fingers wrapping immediately around the spit-shiny length. When Jared can focus around the need pulsing through his entire body, he can see the hairs on Jeff's chest are matted with sweat. A small whimper, embarrassing, but he doesn't care, escapes his lips as Jeff starts to fist his cock, lazy and slow. Too slow.

Jared makes a move to sit up, to grab Jeff's hand, help him along, something, please, God, anything, but Jensen is immediately there to hold his wrists down. Jared had almost forgotten he was at the head of the bed, watching and waiting.

"Not yet," Jensen says, making a small tsking sound in the back of his throat. "No moving, remember?" He presses the heels of his palms down to prove his point. Jared knows he'll have bruises later as a reminder.

The sheets on the bed have long since been pushed or kicked off. The lights are on, but dimmed - bright enough so Jared can see the glint of grey in Jeff's beard, but not too bright to blind him. The entire room smells of sex and sweat. Jared takes a deep breath, inhales the faint scent of aftershave and lube mingling together. His hips lift in supplication, even though he knows it's pointless to beg. Jeff and Jensen have spent the entire night torturing the living fuck out of him.

He wouldn't want them any other way.

Jeff places a warning hand on Jared's hip, stilling the movement. He removes his other hand from Jared's cock in punishment. "None of that."

"Please..." Jared's voice is hoarse, raw. He barely recognizes it.

"Now you know begging ain't gonna do you a bit of good," Jensen says and drags his hands along Jared's arms, marking sinew, muscle and skin with ragged nails. Jared bites his lower lip to keep from begging again.

"So..." Jeff pushes Jared's thighs even farther apart, scoots in close. Close, but not nearly close enough. Jared can feel the head of Jeff's cock along the cleft of his ass, and fights the urge to push down. "What to do to you next...?"

Jared doesn't bother to try to offer any ideas. Neither Jeff nor Jensen would listen to him anyway.

"You look really fucking hot with your cock buried in his ass," Jensen suggests. Jared doesn't need to look up to know that Jensen is grinning that self-satisfied grin of his.

"Reading my mind again."

"Well, it is pretty one-track."

"I'm a man of simple tastes," Jeff replies, and Jared wants to kiss Jensen for the suggestion, but Jeff beats him to it, grabbing the back of Jensen's head to pull him close. The kiss is messy, hard, with clanging teeth and sliding tongues. Jared watches with bated breath, envious and needy.

When they part, Jeff's eyes seem black, filled with every dark fantasy Jared's ever had. He wraps his hand around Jared's cock again, slowly fisting the length. His next words are uttered in a voice that's part growl, part whisper. "After I make you come, just like this, I'm gonna fuck you 'til you can't walk, gonna fill your tight hole with my cock and ram so far inside you that you'll feel it in your throat."

Please, God, yes...

"Just think..." Jensen joins Jeff, wrapping his fingers snug around the base of Jared's cock as he looks down, meets Jared's gaze. And simply smiles when Jared bucks up into their fists. "Jeff and I are gonna take turns pounding into you until you're all good and stretched, and then..." He bends enough to murmur the next words against Jared's ear, fingers a slick blur as he and Jeff speed up, "...then we're both gonna fuck you, both our cocks inside you at the same time, making you ours, until you pass out."

Jared doesn't even make a noise when he comes, inarticulate and raw, over Jensen and Jeff's hands. Words aren't what they want from him anyway.


cw rps, jensen ackles, jared padalecki, jeffrey dean morgan

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