First Line Meme Drabbles

Oct 12, 2004 13:26

For trianne

Getting It (original fic -- no pairing)

If I try hard enough I can remember it, remember the exact instant when I realized it was my own fucking fault. Time's dulled the edges enough that I can look on my failures, our past, and see what I should have so long ago.

Did you hate me...curse my name; throw out letters, cards, mementos of a life? Did you fuck anyone, anything that moved -- just to feel different hands, different lips, to have another imprint where I'd marked you? Did you ache when it was over, did you feel hollow?

I'm sorry. You have no idea how much.


For danachan

Tomboy (LOTR RP -- Miranda Otto)

She might be a lady, but she has never had a gift for a lady's work. Playing with the boys'd been so much more fun -- rough and tumble sports, frolicking in the mud and catching frogs. Her parents'd despaired, admonished her to act like a girl. One day you'll grow up, grow out of childish ways...

Looking out over the battlefield of Pelennor, sword clutched tight in gloved hands as Peter gave last minute directions, Miranda was fiercely grateful that she'd paid little attention to the teachings of her elders. Playing with the boys was still much more fun.


For baranduin

Unbroken (Velvet Goldmine FPS -- Brian Slade/Curt Wild)

The nights are the hardest. That's when the rough edges of the past come to dance -- razor-sharp -- under his skin, slicing through daylight defenses, leaving him weak and spent, reaching for another hit, another bottle, another warm body. Anything to dull the pain.

He wished he'd never met Brian Slade, never said yes, never handed his art, his soul, his music to the one person that could destroy it with a word, exalt it with a kiss. Brian, with his fairy-starred looks and indomitable spirit...his muse, inspiration, the fire in every jangled chord, every anguished lyric.

Beautiful traitor.


For airgiodslv

Afterthought (Faculty RPS -- Elijah Wood/Josh Hartnett)

Everything was the same. Only different. But that's the way it's supposed to be, right? People're supposed to move on, do different things, have new experiences. Live. Natural order of things and all. For all that people are creatures of habit, they crave the new and unseen. Virgin territory.

Elijah sometimes wonders if that's all he'd ever been -- shy, stammering virgin -- just another notch, another conquest. Wonders why the idea doesn't bother him as much as it should. He'd been used, cast aside when filming ended, just another afterthought in Josh's life. But, at least he'd been a thought first.


For lotrjunkie

Puppy Love (no__rules -- Jake Gyllenhaal/Josh Hartnett)

One chocolate eye opened, was immediately speared by the sunlight streaming through the open curtains. A yawn followed as the puppy wobbled on his feet, then shook himself, blinking blearily at the world. One step forward, then another, small feet padding along the carpet until they reached the chair. Then patient eyes peered up, followed by a soft bark and a nudge against a bare calf.

Josh glanced down and smiled indulgently. Best gift he'd ever gotten, he thought, and lifted the dog into his lap. He had no idea how Jake always managed to know exactly what he needed.


For lotrjunkie

Rumination (LOTR RPS -- Karl Urban, Viggo Mortensen)

Lying in the darkness, Viggo wonders how he ever let himself get so tangled up in the man sleeping beside him. It's not like Karl's really here for him. No, Viggo's just a shoulder, the all-knowing best friend with the ready bottle of whiskey and the right words to carefully mend the scattered, broken pieces.

Karl shifts, drunkenly murmurs something, and Viggo draws the comforter around Karl's shoulders, sighing in hopeless despair. Karl would never see him, because Viggo could never be what Karl wanted. Better to be a friend.

Too much at stake to risk it all on chance.


For kyuuketsukirui

Excuses (Ewan McGregor/Jude Law)

"Did you love him?" Jude crushed out his cigarette and leaned back in the scarred booth. His pint sat by his hand, untouched.

"The fuck does sex have to do with love?" Ewan scoffed, shaking his match out as he waved his cigarette around in a careless gesture. "Not like either of us is faithful."

"But we are...least I am."

"We're married."

"You're still the only man."

"And when we share Johnny?"

"He's one of us," Jude insisted, leaning forward. "He's not some --"

"It was just sex. On-set fling." Ewan brushed his fingers over Jude's in apology. "Let it be."


For kyuuketsukirui

Infinite (Lotrips/Claimed Universe -- Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban)

Time to a vampire often has no meaning, or at least very little. Karl'd seen civilizations rise and crumble, watched as entire families, entire lines, were wiped out by disease and time. Roamed through wastelands where there had once been towns and people and light.

Mortality to him was a puzzle, mortal emotions a bafflement. He'd been born into his world, had never known the uncertainty or fragility of knowing his time was limited by a handful of years.

No, Karl'd never known doubt nor conscience. Until Harry'd burst into his life like a storm and became everything for him.


For helens78

Trapped (LOTR RPS -- Karl Urban/Marton Csokas)

They've been dancing around it for a while now, going through the motions. Pretending. Almost funny that it would come down to this, to lying and evading to each other, themselves. They'd initially gotten together because they'd wanted something real, something that allowed them refuge from their professions -- from agents who asked for too much, directors who expected too much, and audiences that simply expected.

Maybe they should've ended it long ago, Marton doesn't know. Karl still had the power to make Marton's breath stutter, but these days his heart was strangely still. His refuge had become just another trap.


For acari

Dissent (King Arthur FP -- Galahad)

Dark, heavy-ladden clouds hang over the land like a threat, which perfectly fit Galahad's mood. Curse it all, but he's tired of burying his friends in this godforsaken land, so far away from everything and everyone they'd ever loved. Isn't it enough for them to be here with the cold and damp and never-ending forests, endlessly fighting an enemy that doesn't seem to need sleep or respite or a bloody day off? Must they sacrifice their eternal here-afters in this place?

And all for what? For an empire that's more ideal than fact. No matter what Arthur seems to think.


For dawning_star

Unwritten (LOTR RPS -- Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom)

They knew from the beginning that they wouldn't last -- everyone said so. How could they? They had nothing in common, and different trajectories in both life and career. One would be a star, the other a niche actor; one a glittering It Boy, the other a local hero gone Hollywood.

But none of their differences seemed to matter when they met on cool sheets, when daylight seemed another myth. When the only reality was there in the slide of hands and lips over willing, slick flesh, in mingled moans and soft sighs.

They would rewrite the rules with every kiss.


For impasto

Unwitting (LOTR RPS -- Dominic Monaghan/Orlando Bloom; Andy Serkis)

It really is a beautiful sight. Not that Andy should be snooping and, well, he's not. Really. Public place and all (semi-public) he's a right to be here. In Orlando's and Viggo's trailer. Getting...well, he can't remember exactly, but it'll come back to him. Soon as he extricates his heart from his throat.

So, he's not snooping, but he really shouldn't be staring. Even if they are so beautiful. Even if Orlando's moans are like music in the curve of Dom's neck and Dom's fingers flutter like poetry over golden skin. Even if they do make Andy ache. If only...


For sheldrake

Unexpected (Original slash -- no pairing)

It was hardly a come-on, after all. I mean, 'fancy a fag' is a legitimate question. How's I supposed to know that bloody Americans don't know what that is? I mean, all's I want is a ciggy and next thing I know I've got a tongue down my throat -- a male tongue -- and a thigh wedged between mine and this bloke's woody pressing against my hip in a rather insistent fashion.

Least the kiss is alright -- good, lots of tongue-stroking. And the hand on my cock's good, solid, firm. Still don't have a ciggy, but, y'know, it could be worse.


For sophrosyne31

Boundaries (LOTR RPS -- Dominic Monaghan/Karl Urban)

"Pretend I'm your bitch," Dom suggests.

"You mean you're not already?" Karl's smiling, but they both know it's not really a joke.

"Not what I meant."

Karl's fingers are warm and firm as they slide along sweat-slick skin. "So tell me what you mean."

"Just..." Dom shifts, sighs, purrs. "It's alright. If you...y'know. Want to use me."

"How do you mean?" Karl whispers, breath teasing the shell of Dom's ear.

Dom shifts again, hard and impatient. "Just...use me." He moans when Karl presses a palm against his cock. " that."

Karl's next whisper is a promise. "We'll use each other."

ficlets, no rules, faculty, lotrips, actor, king arthur, various

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