Moderator Post: New Rule

Feb 12, 2006 17:36

Hey everyone. This is Courtney (unlimited), your third (and rather silent) mod.

As I am sure some of you have noticed, there was a lot of dissention that came along with the last secrets post. As a result April, Dana, and myself have added a new rule to broadwaysecrets. The community profile was updated to reflect this, but I wanted to make a post so that you all would be more likely to see it.

You are no longer allowed to make any secret that is directly aimed at a specific LiveJournal member.

This is a place for us to share secrets about Broadway. You may make secrets concerning shows, their composers, and the people in them, and you may also make secrets concerning yourself (for example, "I really think I will make it to Broadway one day."). But, from now on, an inflamatory secrets concerning other LiveJournal members will be discarded before posting.

This is supposed to be something fun, not something that hurts anyone. Thanks for your help and cooperation from now on. :)

- Courtney

moderator post

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