Dream Big!

Aug 01, 2006 00:41

First, let me start off by saying I LOVE Tina Maddigan. She is the most amazing Julia in The Wedding Singer and is so sweet. She sent me the sweetest letter. Yes, a letter. Most people on Broadway don't even put messages on the headshot, but Julia went above and beyond. Stephanie D'Abruzzio did the same thing. That's one thing I love about Broadway people who aren't ubber famous, they are totally sweet and care about their fans. I'm seeing the show agaon on Wednesday matinee with Adrienne. I think Tina is going to be on so Adrienne can see the wonderfulness that is her.

Thursday I'm going home and I get to see Angie! I'm so excited. . . and 'Singin' in the Rain' of course too. I know it won't live up to the movie, especially without Debbie Reynold playing Kathy Seldon, but I hope it's good, none the less.

So, I decided that for spring break (yes, I know. It's bad that I'm already planing what I want to do on my spring break since I have a big trip in Nov to London that I need to be saving for, but whatever) I want to go to Prince Edward Island in Canada. It's where 'Anne of Green Gables' is based. I love love LOVE the Anne books and  the movies and have wanted to go there since forever! I want to go April 2-8. I know only CUNY people have that spring beak, which sucks because I doubt anyone ill want to go with me and I'm probably just dreaming that I'll be able to go, but it sure would be fun do actually DO the college spring break thing and do a road tip thingy. le sigh.                                             
Anne! I So need to watch this movied and re read the books again.
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