Jun 23, 2005 20:59
last night was so great. as you may or may not know, last night the moon was closer to earth than it has been in 13 years or something. i did not know this, but rob did, because he reads the paper and saw the moon rising from work. he said it was enormous and red...i'm upset that i missed it. but as soon as he got home from work, he asked me "wanna go to the park?" and so we did. he took me to the park in wyandotte by the river. i love that park! actually we snuck in, because the park closes at ten. we played on the swingset together, and robbie even pushed me. when i was swinging really high, i could see the lights and stuff on the other side of the river. robbie says that's canada.
after we got done playing, we walked along the dock by the river, and looked at the moon over the water. it was one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my life. the moon was so huge and bright and orange, like a grapefruit, and its reflection seemed to go on forever in the rippling, oily-black water beneath it. i wished i'd had a really good camera so i could've taken a picture, but really no picture could do it justice. i don't know what it is, but i also feel really at home around water. it makes me feel really calm, relaxed, peaceful. i hope someday rob and i can live in wyandotte again, because i really love it there, and i love being close to the water like that.
after we left the park, we went to 7-11 and got slushies. mine was the best cherry slushie in the world ever. it's experiences like last night that make me glad to be alive, and even more glad that i came here.