Mar 24, 2006 13:23
Okay so a wasp just kicked me out of my room...well not was sitting in my room...and i heard a buzzing and i didn't think anything of it because my window is open and i thought it was just outside and hitting the window...not realizing that i am blind and don't know what i am then a little while later...i hear it again ABOVE MY HEAD!! I look up and i saw it flying over my head and hitting against my ceiling..and so i screamed jumped out of my bed all while dodging the wasp and ran tell me dad who didn't hear me scream...grumble...and so he can't kill it because he can't climb the stairs and so i call my mom and ask her if she will come and kill it and of course she says no...and so she also says to go upstairs and spray it with hairspray so i go and i get my mommas suave hairspray and i go and spray it and then it flys again so i run and then i had to get my laptop so i ran back up to get it and now i am in my living room waiting for brittany my little sister to come home so she can help me kill it...haha yes i am pathetic...i don't want to get stung...
in different car that i just got is all broken so we brought to our mechanic and he said that one of the hoses on my car that links the coolant to the enging is broke and so he's gonna fix and something else, my dad didn't get into too much detail because i am a girl and don't know about this shit and i don't care to know either...i just like to know if it's pretty and
omg my dad is watching springer...i am going nuts...omg...they don't make am going a fight broke usual
so umm yea not sure what else to write...i want my car back but it's not fixed yet...i am soo sad...:(...i also need to get more need a life and better needs to live closer to ashley...
God I want to go back in my room...damn wasp...