I was intending to put a group shot from Friday's dinner up here but AL, WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR FACEBOOK? Hahaha i deserve an explaination!! So anyway, here's a picture that was within my reach cos its my profile picture hahaha meet Jared everybody, one of the most musically inclined people I know :)
Here's a little about today. I'm so glad I ended up going for session today, it was truly rewarding in so many ways. Today was made better because of my morning, so well spent :) Headed over to Millenia for lunch with my family & my goodness I absolutely love Deja Vu Vintage. I guess there's a huge price to pay for such lovely items, literally. Term 4 starts tomorrow & what a lovely start to my day to have testing in the morning. But that's just how its got to be till Os are over. After which there'll be so much to anticipate. Time to give it my all and let God lead me to where he desires me to go.
Have a good night and a good week everyone :-)