Nov 24, 2006 22:46
Here you all go, children. Letters of venting and stress to anonymous people, to see if I feel any better.
I wish you could see me for who am I am, rather than what I am. The facade i have to wear because of you sucks, and I hate seeing you for that reason. Stop being judgemental so I can breathe.
Dear ____,
What the hell? In case you missed the post-it memo, I'm kinda damaged goods now. What you did was NOT kosher, and I still dont understand why that happened. I need a final answer, and I need to get you the hell out of my life in the meantime. Youve caused too much trouble to be any good at the moment.
Thanks for actually being the one to listen when I need it, and for not rushing me. It really means a lot.
Dear _______,
Sorry things are funky for you right now. I wish i could help, but honestly, I feel as though I am too worthless and void of positivity to do so properly. You were there with me, and I'm sorry I can't fully do the same. I totally would if I could.
Dear _____,
Why do you expect so much of me. In case you missed the fing memo, I dont have to be what you expect all the time. The cheery demeanor will probably be disappearing soon, and if you don't like it tough. Ive had enough of lying to myself and you.
Guess who any of these are and win a prize. I think i have a shitload more anger pent up, and it will just get worse as finals/christmas approach. More pissed posts coming soon