Aug 13, 2004 12:34
Hey guys how r u?
im doing alright, bit frustrated at my doc!! i had an apointment got my joints next tues, and he is not going to be there, i want meds that work before school starts!! I think we might switch rheumys again though, going to somef foofy allergy guy who is gonna to all these tests and tyhen give me stuff to build up my immunity or somthing like that,
Dog sitting, it great but i can't breath i am for sure allergic to dogs, even treasure who is a weaton hypo allergenic! NOT he still has dander!!
I miss montecito soooooo much!! I can't wait till i can be a counsolor and spend the whole summer there, but i have 2 more years of kilts, WOOO KILTS!!! i miss the counsolors so much! and of course the 18 kilts plus kilt mom Sunny and kilt dad Buddy!!