Apr 18, 2006 02:16
I would like to comment about that 9/11 movie. I know this doesn't change anything and this will not cause anything to happen or stop, but I really think this whole thing is dispicable. Disgusting. Inappropriate. Unbelievable. I know it's supposed to be celebrating our heros, but really I think people are trying to capitalize on our terror, on our sadness as a nation. I wish I could find a better word than sadness but right now I'm at a loss for words. I know it's supposed to show that ordinary people can do courageous things, but I really think this is too soon. It feels almost disrespectful. There are still people alive who lost wives, husbands, children, mothers and fathers on that plane. They are still hurting, it's only been like five years or so, and I just think that it's too soon. I just watched both trailers on imdb.com, and I cried. Normally I don't admit it when movies make me cry, let alone their trailors. But this was just so emotional and the footage of the planes hitting the World Trade Center was riveting. I almost couldn't watch the whole trailor, I felt so sorry for these families. Again, I wish I could find a better word than sorry, but that's all I can come up with right now. I just feel for these people, for this nation. I don't think the proper amount of time has been paid for this movie to be considered anything close to respectful. I am embarrassed for our society and culture that we are allowing this movie to go to theaters this soon. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, but I am so dissapointed.