(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 00:07

i've been having different dreams about the same person every fucking night for probably about the past few weeks and it's killing me. EVERYNIGHT. it's getting rediculous.

i had a candy apple finally!!! i've honestly been craving one since july. i didn't even let the lady slice it cause i didn't want it to crumble. i looked kinda funny eating it. THANK YOU LAURA for driving so i could eat my apple:):):)

i graduate like a day before thanksgiving! i planned it all out like that because when we go around the room this year and say one thing we are thankful for, i can say "i am thankful for graduating beauty school and now being able to support myself in LA" and no one else will be able to say that. they will all say, "i am thankful for my wonderful family" or something stupid like that....:)
i am kidding of course. i did not plan that.

i just discovered sudoku for myself in an In Touch magazine yesterday and my cousin bought me a whole book of it. all i did today in class was a bunch of sudokus. and then danielle and i did Vogue makeup on eachother and had a photoshoot.

andy milonakis season 2 is out and i haven't even been to the store!

also, does anyone want to see Borat as much as i do?! it's probably my new favorite movie and i haven't even seen it yet! "this coat is NOT black!"
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