Jan 04, 2005 21:31
my last bloody tear runs down my cheek as i close my eyes. my breathing slows and then stops my heart beats its last beat, im letting go. i lay there naked, drown in my own sorow, for all to see my inperfections, my shames and embaressments, my weaknesses, my beatifully ugly soul ...come look, deep into me and find an empty heart with nothing left but pain and hurt. then walkaway and forget about me, let me float away...
wow today was shitty... im super stressed for my tests, dance was tiring and my homelife is falling apart, i cant find the thread to sew it back together, i would give anything to switch to let him be free of this pain...
me and alicia went on a kickass roadtrip today into the ghetto when we got lost. yea funnn times. hahahaha