Well - I've been to another stand around and drink party. I think I've only ever been to one other one. I don't really care for Donna's friends at all. It was just like the skate night, it ended up being Me, Andy, Ronnie and then every one else. Bucky gets completely trashed after like one beer and spends the rest of the night apologizing to me
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As far as the grad school stuff goes, I'm just beginning to look in to it. I've got an email out to the lady in charge of the program right now. It looks like I'll have to submit a 4 min. audition tape (since I can't go down to Savannah) with a monologue and a song, 6 pieces of non-fiction writing, work/performance resumes, and a demo-reel of performance stuff in addition to the standard application stuff. The program is entirely online (I think) and it begins in the summer. When I finish, I'd be licensed to teach theatre in K-12 or community theatres or places of that sort. I've got to sit down with myself and really think if that's what I'd like to do. I mean, I can easily see myself doing the school thing, but I don't see myself being the "incharge" person of an entire production. Like, I'd have to know more about lighting and set building and where to get costumes and all that. I can do the directing and some choreography and come up with ideas, but I'd be so nervous being the person having to make it all actually happen. I haven't told either of my parents about this prospective plan yet.
I also still have not heard back from the potential full time job where I'm working now. BUT I do know that no one else has been contacted either. I'll definitely be talking to you once I hear more about what exactly I need and I'm sure I will value your opinion on which writing samples will be best!
Happy New Year!
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