All that jazz

Sep 01, 2005 19:26

yea so today a few interesting thigns happenned.

1. I decided to sign up for belly dancing class as well as jazz and ballet.

2. Emily told me that she's gained SO much weight (she's the skinniest girl alive) and then asked me if I could tell. The answer was definitely a NO.

3. She then proceeded to tell me that I looked really skinny and that it looked like i've lost weight. omg is she kiding. HOW RUDE. I'VE DONE NOTHING BUT GAIN WEIGHT SINCE I MOVED TO MEXICO. WHAT THE HECK IS SHE TALKIN ABOUT??!! I already know that she has self esteem issues, but this is just getting annoying. Does she really need to bring me down so that she can feel better about herself?

4. I auditioned to be Velma Kelly in our school's production of Chicago. I hope I get the part. My call back is next week.


So the seniors had a meeting about prom yesterday. basically, this is how it goes. We have graduation in the morning. Then, in the evening we have a dinner with our parents, which is followed by the dance. Here's where our options are:

1. Only seniors and their dates are allowed (and any family members i guess). This will be supported by the PTA and deans and all that. There will of course be alcohol still provided. We will be allowed to have prom meetings on cmapus and will receive the full support and help of the school.

2. We have the actual party/dance at another location after the dinner. Anyone at school will be able to come, which means underage drinking. Tickets will not be able to be sold at the school and all planning will be done independent of the school. Anyone caught selling tickets at school will be expelled. As there will be people other than seniors drinking, the school will not support or help in any way with prom.

I DO NOT WANT UNDERCLASSMEN AT MY PROM!!!!!!!!!!! but of course, i know that everyone is going to vote for option 2. they're GAY like that. they whined and said that they have friends from other grades and other schools that will want to come, and with option 1, they won't be able to. So basically, our prom is going to be just like another comida, with the only difference being that you're wearing a fancy dress. UGH. I hate the kids in my generation. they're RETARDED. theend.
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