Oct 09, 2002 10:24
Y'know what? Screw web compatibility. If you don't have IE5+, screw you. There, I said it. =P
My website isn't going to be of professional quality. This is me we're talking about here. *snickers* So guess what? I'm gonna write how I feel like writing it, and if you aren't a player in the game and you can't see certain elements, too frickin' bad!
Phew. That was... mildly theapeutic. ^_^
I've been playing Persona all morning, and I can honestly say that I've been pulled right back into the reasons I LOVE this game...It's also given me an idea of how to solve my Magic problem in Chrono Crisis...
...I need to rename that, dammit. -.-
Anyways... off to do chores and stuff. Yay. *waves a finger in the air*