Jul 04, 2007 23:39
"You can stand under my umbrella" - Boater
"Unfortunitly, your umbrella has a hole in it" - Tall Form
Geoff and I got ourselves up at noon and he had to leave because he had a date. I decided to find fireworks to go watch tonight. Most of the fireworks had been last night. It was as if July 3rd had turned into the new July 4th. I did, however, find fireworks in Grosse Point on the sea shore. Those looked good. I instantly called the R's and got them to come. A few hours later, I had another idea. We go see the new Transformers movie before the fireworks. This sounded like a good 4th of July plan. I high tailed it over to the R's and wanted to see the 5:30 showing. The R's were not ready, so I changed it to the 6:30 showing. Robbi and Form decided they wanted to come too. We got to the theater at 6:40, and when we got upstiars some of us decided that we wanted to go to the later showing. This posed a possible threat to the fireworks. But once again, my vote was lost and so we went to the 7:15 showing. The movie was really good, and we got out at 9:50. I had R take the wheel and beeline to Grosse Point. Along 696 we saw many fireworks left and right. By the time we got to Grosse Point, the fireworks were over. We got back on 696 and saw even more fireworks going home. I remembered how last year, Form, Stephen, Mallory and I drove around Walled lake looking for fireworks, and were unsuccessful. Then I remembered how Cheat had come over to apologize for his behavior the night before at my party. He had brought me a Rose because "I'm sweet", and Care bear because "He cared" and a box of Oreo's because everyone loves Oreos. I texted him and reminded him of that. He responded with "I still care"...what BS.....