Happy Bday John!

Feb 18, 2006 20:48

Yeah, thats exactly what tonight was. Glenda came over (once again driving without a license). We decided to go stalk my old friend John at his work. It was his birthday and all, and I just felt bad because we hadnt talked in such a long time. So we were outside in the parking lot, and I texted him and told him I was outside. Then he called me and figured out it was me! ha! When he got out of work, he really didnt have any other plans, so the three of us went to Starbucks and I got to catch up. We parked in the structure, and these girls asked us if some club was 21 and up. ha ha! We had never even heard of it. Starbucks ended up kicking us out because they were closing. We went back to the structure and the girls were still sitting in their car! ha! We ended up driving around aimlessly. I ended up back at my house where I dropped Glenda off at her car because she was starting to Narc. John and I continued to drive through the neighborhood of the rich and famous. It was fun looking at all the houses. After that, we drove back to my house, and ended up driving back to his car in Royal Oak and just sitting and talking. It was nice. I felt like I had just made a small childs dying bday wish! Ha!
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