haha somethingg about this dayyy

Sep 29, 2004 22:23

lmao wow this night has been filled with such connectionssss and funny things that i cant even begin to describe it. I must admit i do enjoy this feelin of not bein able to stop laughin and i wish i had it all the time..well maybe not at all the time as i have learned at certain points in the past week..or today lol ya know how ur supposed to hold back from laughin if for instance you realize the person youre talkin about is 2 feet away from you? well my brain didnt get that important message today. i honestly didnt even care and basically laughed in peoples faces haha Dont worry sometimes i made up some nice uhh cover stories? hahaa im still laughin! wat in the bloodyyyy world
ok i must calm myself down anddd holy lord its later than i expected
alright im off to finish hwk and then to bed, lllooooongggggggggg day tomorrow =\
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