May 09, 2005 16:37
well i gess today was an ok day. it was wird becous of what happened on fri. but what ever. well now that my date for prom broke up with me i gess i need a date or to go alone. any sugestion? she is not mean i just would have never exspected this from her. well school was ok watch the movie in english. graps of wrath. in crosses class i can never stay awake for the movie. mabey it is becous it is after lunch. in gov we talked about porn stip clubs streeking refer and drinking. what a weird class. the funny thing it is it tought by (G-Unit: a soccer thing) Goss. not i amm home being bord. call me if you want hey mabey ull wake me up lol heres my cell (remember i live in pc; or gorgia as parker says it) 941 661 4492 well talk to you later.