Nov 29, 2004 11:33
I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving break.
Mine was okay. Orlando was fun. I'll write a real entry on that later, though, once I get pics uploaded.
But the sucky parts?
...I have $45 to my name, my cell phone broke and might still be broken, my car's oil is fucking up and I don't know what's wrong with it and I don't have the money to fix it, I have a million doctor's appointments that I can't go to because I don't have the money to pay for them, I can't refill my birth control until I go to the doctor (therein lies the paradox), I can't tell my mom that I went through a thousand dollars in two months, and things with Jacob are just...weird.
Wow. Really, none of this would be bad at all if it wasn't for the fact that they are all HAPPENING AT ONCE! I don't even have enough money for secret santa on thursday. Ugh. And then there's finals week coming up and huge research papers due and a test today which i need to study for.
Stress sucks. tell me not to be stressed. Well, babe, I love you and all, but that's easier said then done. Especially with "oh we've already talked but let's talk more later about the exact same thing we talked about before just because I like to reiterate the fact that I'm a fucking confused/confusing person when you're really upset because that's who I am." Sorry baby,
Can't. Do. This. I need to sit here, breathe, relax, and focus on what's important. What I need from you? You're my shoulder. You always have been. And you always will be. I'm sorry if that's not what you want to be right now,'re my rock. And like I told you, you're one of the most important people in my life. And supposedly the feeling is mutual. So, right now, someone very important to you is going through a tough time. Is it so hard to be there for them? Is it really? I'm not asking for much, just your support.
Is that so hard?