(no subject)

Nov 15, 2006 23:54

You know when the world feels like they are turning your back on you, like your not good enough, like they are disgusted with you because you feel something. I could tell you what its like crouch down by your car crying because this day everyone has decided to give you the cold shoulder or tell you that they dont care about you. But that wouldnt be the real feeling behind the girl doing that exact thing. You wouldnt see her heart breaking because some guy just told her that he was with her because he was lonely and she was there to fill that void. He couldnt see how much he was hurting the little thing she had left. The little piece of heart of home she had. The comfort of something to fall asleep with. Or someone wanted to see her " Pretty little face". But thats all little girl stuff, its stuff that no one would think of that was/ should be missed. Becuase its just words and words dont really mean anything. Its just lies. Something to make someone feel better for about two seconds in the real world. Maybe somewhere along the lines of thinking something is right to say. How does someone tell you to stop feeling the way you do. Emotions ARE EVERYTHING. How am is a girl that is going through heart break suppose to stop crying because its emberessing.

Do you think you might be able to step outside of yourself?

Well it doesnt really matter because shes gonna try to step away from you. For good. she can't promise anything. she doesnt need anyone to hold her hand. she'll forget what you smell like. How you laugh. How you kissed her when you really wanted to. How you held her hand. And made her smile even after fighting with her.

Will you forget that about her?
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